American Lung Association (ALA) Lung Health Cohort

This is a longitudinal, multi-center cohort study enrolling young Black or Hispanic adults between the ages of 25-35 who do not have severe lung disease. The objective is to establish a national cohort of young adults for the purpose of defining lung health and developing targets to intercept chronic lung disease at its earliest stages.

End Point:

  • establish the relationship between factors (lifetime environmental exposures, fitness and physical activity, biomarkers, nasal respiratory epithelial transcriptome) and ideal versus impaired peak lung health (reserve and markers of susceptibility in investigators’ model) in young adulthood

Outcome Measure:

  • Serial Pre-bronchodilator spirometry (FEV1 and FVC)
  • Chest CT scan imaging metrics
  • Symptom, Quality of Life and other subject questionnaires 

A conceptual depiction of respiratory health trajectories over the lifespan. Respiratory health may be determined by multiple risk factors which can influence either peak lung function in young adulthood (pulmonary “reserve”) or the rate of decline in lung function (pulmonary “susceptibility”). This may ultimately contribute to the development of chronic respiratory disease.

AJRCCM 2018; 198: 440–446

Handsome man holding hands near chest with illustration of lungs on grey background
Inclusion Criteria: Identifier: NCT04543461

For more detailed information on this trial please click the link above to visit